I miss you, Jo

March 26, 2013

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“Careful Yuliya, careful!” a sweet gentle voice caringly said from the back seat when I pushed hard on breaks to avoid hitting a car that unexpectedly slowed down in front of me. I thought he was sound asleep in his car seat, wearied from our long day of chasing ducks around the pond, collecting sticks, walking aimlessly through the parking lot until all the cars were named, but somehow he kept alert even with his eye lids half closed. It’s his sweet caring way that gets me most. The time his mom was sick and he cried deeply for her sake. The time I had the hardest drive from the bay area accompanied by a flat tire and exhaustion beyond words, and he put his little sun-tanned hand on my arm and softly said, “Sorry Yuliya, sorry!” His sweetness is precious and the way he sympathizes is so genuine that it melts my heart every.single.time!

Dear Josiah, as you’re chasing many more exciting things on the shores of San Diego and finding many more exciting adventures, just wanted to tell you that I miss you and love oh so much! Yours truly, Yuliya.
